Big Brother Big Sister School Based Program
WHAT IS IT? A school mentoring program for students in Kindergarten thru 5th Grade is run by Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region with mentors volunteering through local businesses or the surrounding community. At Chambers Hill, we utilize our local law enforcement, Swatara Police Department, as the first resource and then they look at other first responder organizations if there are no available officers at the moment able to become Bigs for our students at that time.
WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Students who need a positive role model or another adult figure in their life to help them navigate their way through elementary school.
WHEN DO THEY MEET? Students will meet with their Big Brother or Big Sister about 30 minutes each week. Most of the time, the "Big" will come into the school over the student's lunch period or during recess. Once they have established a 6 month or longer connection with the student, they may get the opportunity for outside of school availability to meet.
HOW DO I GET MY CHILD ENROLLED? Call or email me (Mrs. Krupski). If we feel this is a positive opportunity for your child, I will get you the paperwork as fast as I can!
IS IT REALLY THAT EASY? It is extremely easy to get your child signed up for the program! The hardest part is waiting for the right match. This occurs because Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region takes special care in screening all Bigs. It can further be delayed as we wait for more adults to sign up to be mentors.
Please see me if you want or need more information regarding the School-Based Mentoring Program.