Elementary Grading Information
District Policy on Grading of Student Progress
Report Cards & Progress Reports
The school year is divided into three (3) report periods referred to as trimesters (approximately 62 days each). Click the link for more detailed information regarding trimesters.
Report cards will be available on the Home Access Center (HAC) within two (2) weeks after the report period closes. Printed report cards are no longer issued to pupils.
These reports will contain either O, S, N (K - 2) or the traditional A - F letter grades (3 - 5) for most subjects. They will also have competencies filled out to show current student success with the standards and student progress throughout the year. Please refer to board policy #213 on grading for more detailed information.
In addition to the report card, parent-teacher conferences are scheduled at the end of the 1st and 2nd reporting period. Parent-teacher conferences often assist in better understanding of a child's progress. Conferences can also be requested by parents at any time by calling the school office. Teachers often arrange conferences with parents. Conferences must be held at a time that will not interfere with the instructional program of the class.